Tuesday, February 25, 2025


In 1882 Peter Carl Fabergé took over his father’s very ordinary jewellery business. Together with his brother Agathon, he quickly transformed it into an international phenomenon. The success of the two brothers was changing the nature of the business. Out went the then fashionable style where diamonds prevailed. In came the design-led artist-jeweller with a penchant for colour through both stones and reviving the lost art of enamelling. 

They added objets deluxe to their repertoire, including objets de fantaisie such as the Imperial Easter Eggs, now regarded as pinnacles of the goldsmiths’ art. Today these are treasured in some of the world’s leading museums and private collections. The craftsmanship of all their creations was of the very finest standard. This formula of design and craftsmanship made Fabergé irresistible and the ultimate objects to own, as well as the gift of choice.

Fabergé’s award-winning timepieces are created in association with master watchmakers around the world. These timepieces combine the science of measuring time with unexpected designs. Each Fabergé watch hides unique details that only come to light when examined closely.

Fabergé on MrWatchMaster: